Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chapters 4-6

Snowball and Napoleon go head to head for the leadership position in these chapters. What are some positive traits and negative traits of each leader? How does that compare to the historical struggle for power between Leo Trotsky (Snowball) and Joseph Stalin (Napoleon)?


Anonymous said...

Snowball studied tactics on how to attack humans and Napoleon said that he did it. Snowball was a good speaker and Napoleon was better on getting support how ever he got it he did not care. Snowball talked like he knew what he was talking about and Napoleon did not say anything and just but in his time. Leon was like Snowball because he was a good speaker and was well educated. Joseph Stalin is like Napoleon because he wanted people to join his side and he wanted to convert people and took other peoples ideas and also did not try to educate himself.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Stalin wanted people to rebel with him instead of against him so he would do anything possible to try to get the people to agree with him. This is how Joseph is related to Napolean because he wants the other animals to agree with him instead of agree with Snowball and he will do anything to get the people to. Like ewalker2 said, Snowball was a better speaker than Napolean was so Napolean had to do whatever he could to stop Snowball from getting people to agree with him.

Anonymous said...

Snowball is one who thinks about the future of the animals and what will help them in the long run. Napoleon is one who thinks more of himself and what is happening with the food supply at the time being. Snowball tries to make things a little more complicating such as when he draws the plan for the windmill. Napoleon isn't very nice when the other animals don't agree with him. He makes it so that he gets his way. This shows a lot of how Joseph Stalin is, because he isn't very nice and people look up to him. It also shows his power that he has with other people. Leo Trotsky is a quiet person but has good ideas. He doesn't know how to stand up for himself very well, but other animals need to realize this and actually listen to him.

Anonymous said...

Negative for Snowball/ Leo they were both exiled. Positive for Snowball was good at speaking and was very educated.
Negative for Napoleon/ Joseph they were disrespectful to those in authority, not an elegant speaker, took others ideas and used them.
Positive for Napoleon they both got the most out of there people under almost any circumstance.

Anonymous said...

Snowball is a good speaker and remains calmer than Napoleon. Napoleon has okay ideas, but he doesn’t do much for himself. After leading the failed struggle of the Left Opposition against the policies and rise of Joseph Stalin in the 1920s and the increasing bureaucratization of the Soviet Union, Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party and deported from the Soviet Union in the Great Purge. As the head of the Fourth International, he continued in exile to oppose the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, and was eventually assassinated in Mexico by Ramón Mercader, a Soviet agent.[1] Trotsky's ideas form the basis of Trotskyism, a major school of Marxist thought that is opposed to the theories and practices of Stalinism.

Anonymous said...

Positive traits of Snowball:
Smart and fair.
Negative traits of Snowball:
Can't stand up to Napoleon.

Positive traits of Napoleon:
Strong and supported.
Negative traits of Napoleon:
Mean and unfair.

The similarities between Leo/Joseph and Napoleon/Snowball is that in real life Leo was expelled from the Communist Party and deported from the Soviet Union. He continued in exile to oppose Stalin and was eventually executed; which I think is going to happen later in the book. Stalin is more of a hardcore leader, he is more of a dictator in real life and in the book as Napoleon.

Anonymous said...

Snowball is the dominant leader. He like to tell others what they should do and he is very strong willed to make the windmill. He does care about the well being of the animal farm. He tries really hard to persuade the farm that they need the windmill to make it a better place and to make things easier in the end.

Napoleon is set back from the leadership role. He is reserved and only speaks his opinion when he thinks it is needed. But when it comes down to it he is power hungry and he is just waiting for his time to take over. He soon took it from Snowball.

The struggle for power between Snowball/Napoleon and Leo Trotsky/Joseph Stalin are almost one in the same because those two also faught for the power. After Snowball was kick out of the Soviet Union.

Anonymous said...

Snowball: He was a good speaker and had good ideas. Wanted to get things done that would benefit the animals and make things easier in the end.
Napoleon: Always had Squealer help him convince the animals.
Stalin was more about wanting more power and Trotsky wanted to spread his ideas to everyone. Stalin also killed Trotsky and Napoleon ran Snowball away to get him out of the way so he could take over.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Stalin was a very controling person. His powers were limited for a while, but he soon came to rule the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union transformed from a farming economy to a major industrial powerhouse in a short time period. Still many people died from hardships and famine. This is a lot like Napolean because he doesn't care about the other animals health. He had limited powers at first, but then took over by power not by the animals choice. He just wants to prove to everyone that they will survive. The problem is he hasn't stopped to think about the things that keep animals alive.

Leon Trotsky was a leader of the Soviet Union until he was overthrown by Stalin. He was then thrown from the Communist Party and deported from the Soveit Union in the Great Purge. He was the head of the Fourth International and still tried to oppose Stalin. He was later then executed in Mexico by Ramon Mercader, a Soviet agent. This definelty shows who Snowball is as a character in the book. He would of probably been a better leader because he wanted the best for the Animal Farm. Other power over took him and now he is trying to destroy their plans. And the first thing Napolean wants to do is capture him and punish him for his actions.

mstreweler said...

Napoleon: He wanted to take advantage of the people who thought that he was trying to benefit them just like Stalin was. He fooled them into thinking he cared for there well-being when instead he was just using them to get the power he needed or wanted, however you want to put it.
Snowball: He was different. He wanted to have everyone agree and discuss on all the things they talked about. He didn't want to see them taken advantage of and wanted them to know they deserved breaks and days off. That they worked hardd for what they had and he tried to get them the best and have multiple purposes for everything. He didn't care about power and if he did, he tried to be more compassionate about it.

Anonymous said...

Throughout these chapters, Snowball is portrayed as the dominant leader. He voices his opinions very well, and seems to get what he wants. He came up with the windmill, which Napoleon very much disliked. Napoleon is biding his time. He does not stand up to Snowball on everything, even though they argue on issues constantly. Eventually, Napoleon brings the dogs back, and chases Snowball away. In this process, Napoleon makes it seem as though he was doing the animals a favor. Napoleon, in relation to Stalin, have many things in common. They both are very manipulative. They make people think they are doing things for their good, when it is just giving Napoleon, in this case, more power. Stalin also threw Trotsky out of leadership of the Soviet Union. This is exactly what happened with Snowball and Napoleon.

Anonymous said...

Napolean seemed like not as good of a leader as Snowball. Napolean is more self-centered and would do anything at all just to receive the support of the animals. While Snowball is genuinely concerned about the animals. Stalin was very manipulative and selfish just like Napolean. In the end Trotsky overthrew Stalin and was a much better leader with concerns for the people not just himself.